Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Wet Games

This is what happens when strapping lads spend too much time indoors...


Mark Pecot said...

There actually was a point to this exercise! The point was to give paddlers a better view of the set up position and movement of the paddle for a roll. And, it was fun!

Nick P said...

Fun indeed! Perhaps we can post the antithesis of this demonstration -the mind roll. In all seriousness this exercise perhaps sheds light on the possibilities of using more "dry" exercises for demonstration.

Anonymous said...

If your the GUY holding the stern up, should you be wearing a cup?

Mark Pecot said...

Jerry G, you see the beauty of the method. A lot of paddlers bring their paddle back too far astern on the sweep. Imagining the kayak is a clockface, where the bow = 12; the hip = 3 & 9; and the stern = 6; then the paddle shouldn't extend past 4 o'clock on the sweep (note where the paddle ends up as the roll finishes). This keeps the shoulders in a safe, aligned, and protected position. It also sets the kayaker up for any number of options: a forward stroke on the opposite side, a forward sculling brace (which is what I do in the clip), etc.

What better way to teach that then put someone in the back who gets binged in the jewels if you do it wrong? :)